Sunday 10 July 2011


It’s been awhile since I posted here. Sorry about that, been swamped with projects and work. Well I still am but I figured I should spare sometime and do this. I actually meant to post earlier, specifically on Saturday.  However, I have somehow found myself with some sort of writer’s block. My thoughts have become too random, they have lost focus. It’s almost like I’ve managed to renumber the roads and redirect the traffic in my head. It’s all amiss.

Last week I was talking to a friend of mine and I asked him why he doesn’t use his twitter profile often. He said, ‘If I tweet I will let go of all my creative ideas. I might fail to write.’. Surely you can control what you tweet, I said to him, but today I sit here and think to myself, what if he is right? I’ve had maximum tweet activity in the past two weeks. Tweeting everything that came to my mind, pushing my processors to limits they don’t usually get to. 

My blog posts usually just pour out of me but today a paragraph burns sores in my mind. I have quite a lot to talk about but I can’t seem to form the content. Almost like I’ve dropped bits and pieces of each topic somewhere and all I am left with is a few sentences. I think maybe these pieces lie on my twitter timeline because as I read through the tweets on my profile I can almost make paragraphs from them about numerous topics.

So am I going to stop tweeting? Nope, not really. This is just a new challenge for me to overcome. I hate giving in to the obvious rules that seem to have a hold on all of us. The easy way out, give up one thing so you can have the other…I refuse to work like that. I must have reached my threshold because today I broke the fuse that activated my fail safe, some sort of system restore. Today I managed to redirect some traffic into the right lanes. I didn’t tweet particular things I felt had the potential to feature in my blog and still managed to hit 100 tweets minimum. Well I agree that putting the barriers in my mind back up and straightening the lanes is not going to be a one day thing but I know I am not going to give up till this new architectural plan is in place.

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