Sunday 27 March 2011

Check mate!

I am the master mind behind your inexplicable deeds, your involuntary emotions, your uncontrollable feelings and your day long fantasies. You are just a pawn on my chess board. I wouldn’t give into my false confidence if I were you. I’ve been queen all my life, I write the rules to this game. Like every game this one is rigged, get it? There is always a loop hole, a back door, an almost definite route to success and I possess this knowledge. Only because I tailored the actual fabric, drew the blue prints. You lost this game the day you chose to play it against me. Should have done your research though because now I’m taking casualties.

I am the extractor. I am the reason you’re answering all the questions you need to be asking me. The reason you’ve become so comfortable. The reason the buttons on your keypad are wearing down. Your lost, don’t know why you started In the first place. Confusion, an emotion I planted into your subconscious with one open statement, a leading phrase, a quote from a similar game. Like I said this is my forte, I know exactly where to lay the traps. And you always fall for the bait.

I could go on with a description of my prowess but I am sure you get the picture. Like a virus this post is infecting your mind. Thoughts are clouding your better judgement. Your being extra careful now, trying to decipher an endless thread of pleasant conversation. Yes, every punctuation mark, every emoticon, every word, every timed entry was all a part of my move. Checkmate!

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Side Bitch….side chick….side dish!

The mere contemplation to have the thought of being a side chick disgusts most of us girls. What will people think? How would you feel if you were in the other chick’s shoes? Karma is a bitch, what if my payback comes in bullion trucks? All these questions run through a girl’s mind on that fateful day. She can’t believe it’s happening to her. The preacher herself, thinking about defying her own words.

Out of sight out of mind she thinks, but this only makes it worse because he is all she thinks about. She tries to distract herself with gossip from her girlfriends, the spa and the salon. Treating herself to the best the world can offer in an attempt to achieve great satisfaction that would leave no room for the desire to have this one forbidden person in her life. Sadly it’s all in vain as she finds her friend’s gossip is about a similar matter and the ladies in the spa and salon are going on about the same thing. It’s the talk of the day and she can’t seem to understand why the universe is taunting her.

She finally gives in and heads back home. Starts to wonder why she hadn’t met him before he had that band. She can’t! She won’t! She shouldn’t but the desire is too great. The curiosity is driving her mad. She starts to convince herself it’s the right thing to do. ‘It’s ok, people do it all the time.’, ‘I won’t fall in love I am just having fun.’ The self-induced positivity and false confidence gives her the push she needs. But this guys is so nice, the sweetest she ever met. He is perfect in more ways than one. She loves every single aspect about him. She tries to exit the relationship only to find herself in too deep….

He loves her back! An unbelievable revelation!  Since most men that have ‘side chicks’ would never leave their wives for you. She feels special! So excited till she realises she is about to break up a marriage. Defying even more of her sermons as her ‘games’ turn into a reality. .She decides to end it. The most painful thing she ever had to do. He sees the pain in her eyes and he feels exactly the same way. He understands exactly where she is coming from. They settle for friends and cherish the moments they have alone but are careful not to have too many since they still have strong feelings for each other. She wants to leave her job that keeps her in close proximity with him but its all she has ever wanted to do and simply can’t let go.

The thought of what could have been will forever haunt her thoughts; the thought of what could be haunts her thoughts every day that goes by. A prisoner of her mind……

Wednesday 2 March 2011

The rule...or is it the exception to the rule...what rule was that??!

We girls pride ourselves in the strong rules and regulations that guide and strengthen our friendship. It’s an ever so flawless system that almost makes us sisters. These rules may vary depending on whether you're sluts, junkies, geeks, naïve, basically the unique character that describes the group. Some rules are supposed to be obvious……these are usually the rules that cause the cat fights because more often than not they are in fact, not obvious. And guys may call us weak and stupid for these fights but it is these fights that strengthen our bonds. So enough of the science let’s move on to the drama!

I used to have a list of rules that I considered to be in the obvious bracket for all my friends. My number one being ‘Thou shall not date your girlfriend’s x if they were in a serious relationship’ (If they were not serious really it doesn’t matter and I am sure all my girlfriends can agree). This was all working until the day I actually got feelings for one of my friend’s xz. Huge dilemma because I really liked this guy and loved my friend to death. I decided to set my mind to reject the relationship but this war was quite easily won by my heart. I decided to talk to my friend and as every word came out of my mouth I felt a huge knife curve the words double crossing bitch across my forehead. She was cool with it, sweet as friends can be. I became the exception to the rule even if we could both see the fictional rule we had break to pieces right in front of our faces. Hardest thing I ever had to do!!!
So today one of my friends sent me an inbox. She tells me she really likes one of my xz . She said ‘We started dating officially this past Sunday and I wanted to let you know.’ Well of course I was fine with it. But today the scribe in that fictional vault containing our rules and regulations made an edition to the rule. ‘Thou may date your girlfriend’s x as long as there was prior notification’ but I guess all these rules are cliché. They will all be broken one day anyway. In the end ‘We are true friends, we don’t judge and we are quick to forgive.’ A quote from one of the hottest men alive himself, Nate Archibald.