Wednesday 16 March 2011

Side Bitch….side chick….side dish!

The mere contemplation to have the thought of being a side chick disgusts most of us girls. What will people think? How would you feel if you were in the other chick’s shoes? Karma is a bitch, what if my payback comes in bullion trucks? All these questions run through a girl’s mind on that fateful day. She can’t believe it’s happening to her. The preacher herself, thinking about defying her own words.

Out of sight out of mind she thinks, but this only makes it worse because he is all she thinks about. She tries to distract herself with gossip from her girlfriends, the spa and the salon. Treating herself to the best the world can offer in an attempt to achieve great satisfaction that would leave no room for the desire to have this one forbidden person in her life. Sadly it’s all in vain as she finds her friend’s gossip is about a similar matter and the ladies in the spa and salon are going on about the same thing. It’s the talk of the day and she can’t seem to understand why the universe is taunting her.

She finally gives in and heads back home. Starts to wonder why she hadn’t met him before he had that band. She can’t! She won’t! She shouldn’t but the desire is too great. The curiosity is driving her mad. She starts to convince herself it’s the right thing to do. ‘It’s ok, people do it all the time.’, ‘I won’t fall in love I am just having fun.’ The self-induced positivity and false confidence gives her the push she needs. But this guys is so nice, the sweetest she ever met. He is perfect in more ways than one. She loves every single aspect about him. She tries to exit the relationship only to find herself in too deep….

He loves her back! An unbelievable revelation!  Since most men that have ‘side chicks’ would never leave their wives for you. She feels special! So excited till she realises she is about to break up a marriage. Defying even more of her sermons as her ‘games’ turn into a reality. .She decides to end it. The most painful thing she ever had to do. He sees the pain in her eyes and he feels exactly the same way. He understands exactly where she is coming from. They settle for friends and cherish the moments they have alone but are careful not to have too many since they still have strong feelings for each other. She wants to leave her job that keeps her in close proximity with him but its all she has ever wanted to do and simply can’t let go.

The thought of what could have been will forever haunt her thoughts; the thought of what could be haunts her thoughts every day that goes by. A prisoner of her mind……


  1. Lots of people find themselves in this situation- Our hearts often times betray us, throwing us in the arms of the wrong(Or is it right people?) Two people-Perfect Timing-Wrong Situation... Guess at the end of the day, we gotta put ourselves in the Wife's shoes and do the right thing-Only makes things easier with time

  2. I guess your right but its awfully painful.
