Tuesday, 18 October 2011

‘The Friend Zone’……does it really exist?! Or are we just in denial?

……so what’s up with you and Kevin? ’ Oh nothing really, we are just really good friends. ‘

I was having a conversation with one of my mates the other day when I asked her about a guy she just met and she said they were just friends. But can man and woman really just simply be friends? There is always that undeniable attraction. That ‘what if’....that ‘just once’……that ‘we are really good friends so we will definitely bounce back’, of course this could go in a completely different way and she is not the least bit attracted to him. All this is of course in the female’s mind only, yes, in fact the story is quite the opposite in the male’s mind. He thinks, ‘I just have to get close enough’….’I’ll be right there when she is vulnerable enough to have casual sex’……’I’ll be right here when she lets her emotions overwhelm her after her breakup and tricks her into thinking we could be something more than friends.’

See I once had a lot of faith in the male sex. Yes, I was the first to defend all my male friends and say we are nothing but friends and not all of them are preying on me. Quite naïve I was. Just last night I was having a conversation with one of my male friends and brought up the topic. He was more than happy to let me know that there is no such thing as just friends to a guy lol. This came as no surprise to me of course as another one of my male friends had told me this before, yes, this was more like confirmation. So I asked him what he thinks If I am dating boy x and him and I are just friends. He gladly told me boy x is simply the guy that skipped the line to the cookie jar and everyone is still waiting in line. Lol very odd way to put it I agree.

 I’ve been thinking about this friend zone thing for a while now actually. People seem to be more terrified of it now more than ever. Could it be because women have always been thought of as beings that do not know what they want and now that they can class and drop you in this no return zone everyone is suddenly afraid? I actually don’t believe in this zone or that it exists since even those you think are in it won’t settle for it.


  1. I am a man and I assure you, it doesn't exist. Even when it does, it can very easily and effortlessly be compromised. I vote nay. Except for you and I :)

  2. For men, there is nothing like a friend zone unless he is placed there against his will...

  3. Haha Arthur you're not in the friend zone. That's too public for you. You're in another special zone :) And I totally agree with you. People are crossing the friendship zone lines eveyday! Infact I think guys in this so called zone should be happy because they are chilling in a first class lounge. Closer to their goal.

  4. Enygma people get placed there against their will everyday but somehow find a way out.Guys who actually embrace that fate are either losers in which case its the 'guys with no balls zone' or they are simply not attractive to the femme in question in which case its the 'guys who simply don't do it for me'zone

  5. That's exactly why I don't believe it exists, because it would have to be a mutually agreed position. And I can't imagine why a guy would swallow unless he is as you described above...

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